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Trading Quests,[1] also known as Trading Sequences,[2] are recurring sidequests in The Legend of Zelda series.


By trading a long list of items, the player will eventually be rewarded with a useful item such as a better sword, new tools or even numerous Pieces of Heart. However, due to their status as sidequests, they are not necessary to complete the game, except in the case of Link's Awakening, where several items, including the final reward, are mandatory.

As Link tries to help a character, he may receive an item that becomes useful for someone else; when Link gives the newer item to the right character, he receives in turn another item that is destined to yet another character; a trade sequence takes form when this process is repeated continuously, thus resulting into a long string of exchanges that ultimately lead to a powerful item. For natural reasons, the traded items generally have one-time uses, and therefore one-time appearances.

Link's Awakening[]

In Link's Awakening, the Trading Quest begins by obtaining the Yoshi Doll from the Trendy Game in Mabe Village. It eventually ends with Link obtaining the Magnifying Lens that allows him to read the Book Dark Secrets And Mysteries Of Koholint inside the Library which tells him the directions to navigate the Egg Maze.

LANS Yoshi Doll Icon
Yoshi Doll
Trendy GamesterTrendy GameHaving at least 10 Rupees.
LANS Ribbon Icon
MamashaQuadruplets House
LANS Dog Food Icon
Dog Food
CiaoCiaoMadam MeowMeow's House
LANS Bananas Icon
SaleSale's House o' Bananas
LANS Stick Icon
KikiKanalet CastleCompleting Bottle Grotto.
LANS Honeycomb Icon
TarinUkuku PrairieCompleting Key Cavern.
LANS Pineapple Icon
Chef BearAnimal Village
LANS Hibiscus Icon
PapahlTal Tal Heights
LANS Goat's Letter Icon
Goat's Letter
ChristineAnimal Village
LANS Broom Icon
Mr. WriteGoponga Swamp
LANS Fishing Hook Icon
Fishing Hook
Grandma YahooAnimal Village
LANS Necklace Icon
FishermanMartha's BayObtaining the Flippers.
LANS Scale Icon
MermaidMartha's Bay
LANS Magnifying Lens Icon
Magnifying Lens
Mermaid StatueObtaining the Hookshot.

Ocarina of Time[]

In Ocarina of Time, the Trading Quest can only be completed by adult Link. For doing so, he receives the Biggoron's Sword, a powerful two-handed blade.

OoT3D Pocket Egg Icon
Pocket Egg
Cucco LadyKakariko Village
OoT3D Pocket Cucco Icon
Pocket Cucco
Waiting a day after obtaining the Pocket Egg.
OoT3D Cojiro Icon
Cucco LadyKakariko VillageWaking up Talon with the Pocket Cucco.
OoT3D Odd Mushroom Icon
Odd Mushroom
Master Craftsman's SonLost Woods
OoT3D Odd Poultice Icon
Odd Poultice
GrannyGranny's Potion ShopBringing the Odd Mushroom within three minutes of obtention.
OoT3D Poacher's Saw Icon
Poacher's Saw
FadoLost Woods
OoT3D Broken Goron's Sword Icon
Broken Goron's Sword
Master CraftsmanGerudo ValleyHaving Epona or the Longshot.
OoT3D Prescription Icon
BiggoronDeath Mountain
OoT3D Eyeball Frog Icon
Eyeball Frog
King ZoraZora's Domain
OoT3D World's Finest Eye Drops Icon
World's Finest Eye Drops
Lake ScientistLakeside LaboratoryBringing the Eyeball Frog within three minutes of obtention.
OoT3D Claim Check Icon
Claim Check
BiggoronDeath MountainBringing the World's Finest Eye Drops within four minutes of obtention.
OoT3D Biggoron's Sword Icon
Biggoron's Sword
BiggoronDeath MountainWaiting three days after obtaining the Claim Check.

Majora's Mask[]

In Majora's Mask, there are Business Scrubs desiring to move to new places, yet they are unable to do so because they need documents of property from their destinations. In exchange, they accept to sell their own Deku Flowers before moving to other places, every time enabling Link to reach a Piece of Heart.

MM3D Moon's Tear Icon
Moon's Tear
Astral ObservatoryLooking at the Skull Kid through the telescope.
MM3D Town Title Deed Icon
Town Title Deed
Business ScrubClock Town
MM3D Swamp Title Deed Icon
Swamp Title Deed
Business ScrubSouthern Swamp
MM3D Mountain Title Deed Icon
Mountain Title Deed
Business ScrubGoron VillageBeing Deku Link.
MM3D Ocean Title Deed Icon
Ocean Title Deed
Business ScrubZora HallBeing Goron Link.
No Image Upload
Gold Rupee
Business ScrubIkana CanyonBeing Zora Link.

Oracle of Seasons[]

In Oracle of Seasons, completing the Trading Quest rewards Link with the Noble Sword.

OoS Cuccodex Sprite
Dr. LeftHoron VillageLighting the Torch inside Dr. Left's house.
OoS Lon Lon Egg Sprite
Lon Lon Egg
MalonHoron Village
OoS Ghastly Doll Sprite
Ghastly Doll
OoS Iron Pot Sprite
Iron Pot
IngaHolodrum Plain
OoS Lava Soup Sprite
Lava Soup
Subrosian ChefSubrosia
OoS Goron Vase Sprite
Goron Vase
BiggoronDeath Mountain
OoS Fish Sprite
IngoSunken City
OoS Megaphone Sprite
Old ManEyeglass Pond
OoS Mushroom Sprite
TalonMt. Cucco
OoS Wooden Bird Sprite
Wooden Bird
SyrupSyrup's Potion Shop
OoS Engine Grease Sprite
Engine Grease
Tick TockHoron Village
OoS Phonograph Sprite
Guru-GuruHoron Village
OoS Noble Sword Sprite
Noble Sword
Business ScrubLost WoodsNavigating the Lost Woods by following the Business Scrub's instructions.

Oracle of Ages[]

In Oracle of Ages, completing the Trading Quest rewards Link with the Noble Sword.

OoA Poe Clock Sprite
Poe Clock
AllanYoll GraveyardHaving the Power Bracelet.
OoA Stationery Sprite
PostmanPost Office
OoA Stink Bag Sprite
Stink Bag
HandLynna Village
OoA Tasty Meat Sprite
Tasty Meat
TokayCrescent Island
OoA Doggie Mask Sprite
Doggie Mask
Happy Mask SalesmanMask Shop
OoA Dumbbell Sprite
Mamamu YanLynna City
OoA Cheesy Mustache Sprite
Cheesy Mustache
ThomasSymmetry Village
OoA Funny Joke Sprite
Funny Joke
Lynna City ComedianLynna City
OoA Touching Book Sprite
Touching Book
DekadinLynna Village
OoA Magic Oar Sprite
Magic Oar
OoA Sea Ukulele Sprite
Sea Ukulele
RaftonSouth Shore
OoA Broken Sword Sprite
Broken Sword
Old ZoraCoast of No Return
OoA Noble Sword Sprite
Noble Sword
PatchRestoration WallCompleting Patch's "ceremony" mini-game.

Phantom Hourglass[]

In Phantom Hourglass, completing the Trading Quest rewards Link with the Swordsman's Scroll allowing him to learn the Great Spin Attack.

No Image Upload
Hero's New Clothes
Man of SmilesTraveler's ShipDefeating all the enemies on the Traveler's Ship.
PH Kaleidoscope Icon
NyevePrince of Red Lions
PH Guard Notebook Icon
Guard Notebook
Hoiger HowgendoogenTraveler's Ship
PH Wood Heart Icon
Wood Heart
NyaveTraveler's Ship
PH Swordsman's Scroll Icon
Swordsman's Scroll
Old WayfarerBannan IslandBringing Joanne to the Old Wayfarer's house.


  • The Trading Quests were inspired by the Japanese Buddhist tale, "Straw Millionaire".[3] "Straw Millionaire" is a tale about a poor man who becomes rich through trading various items.


  1. "THE TRADING QUEST"Explore Koholint Island, the setting of the Legend of Zelda: Link’s Awakening game., Zelda.com, retrieved September 21, 2019.
  2. Majora's Mask manual, pg. 33
  3. "We had (Kensuke) Tanabe-san join early on. He thought up the sub-events and stuff like the "Straw Millionaire" parts." — Takashi Tezuka, Iwata Asks : The Legend of Zelda: Spirit Tracks : Kirby and Chomps in ..., Nintendo.com, published n.d., retrieved January 24, 2020.